DAN-JANN PUBLISHING CO., LTD established on May, 1980. Publications encompass a variety of fields including philosophy, religion, natural, applied science and society science books. With the doctrine of "GOOD PUBLICATIONS BY DAN-JANN, DAN-JANN WITH GOOD PUBLICATIONS". We would devote ourselves publishing good books to the society, wishing to bring a series of fine publications to readers and to share all those results with them. 品冠文化出版社成立於 1999 年,出版品以科學應用、女性醫學、語言類等書籍為主。本社致力於社會文化的提升,並本著提供好書、回饋大眾為信念,努力不懈,以臻完美。
PIIN-GUAN CULTURAL PUBLISHING HOUSE established in 1999. Our publishing aims at applied psychology, feminine medicine and languages etc. Striving to promote the cultural level is our goal, moreover, under the faith for offering and sharing proper publishing, we shall keep making our effort for up most quality.
聯絡方式: 地址:台北市北投區致遠一路二段12巷1號 電話:02-2823-6033 傳真:02-2827-2069 email:service@dah-jaan.com.tw 上班時間:8:30~12:00,13:30~17:30